Mug Spy

Amazon Mug Search Revealer

Mug Spy

Amazon Mug Search Revealer

Are you trying to sell mugs that

no-one is looking for?

Are you trying to sell mugs that

no-one is looking for?

Only $4.99 per month

Only $4.99 per month

Find out what mugs people are searching for on Amazon  

Search MugSpy to get the stats!

Find out what mugs people are searching for on Amazon  

Search MugSpy to get the stats!

Don't sell "Puppy" mugs when everyone is searching for "Doggy" mugs...or is it the other way around? 

Search Mug Spy and find out!

Don't sell "Puppy" mugs when everyone is searching for "Doggy" mugs...or is it the other way around? 

Search Mug Spy and find out!

Popular Terms

Popular Terms

Unpopular Terms

Unpopular Terms

A searchable database of thousands of mug related keywords and phrases that people are searching for when shopping for Mugs on Amazon. 

A searchable database of thousands of mug related keywords and phrases that people are searching for when shopping for Mugs on Amazon. 

100,000+ Mug Related keywords

100,000+ Mug Related keywords

Give Them

What they Already Want!

Give Them

What they Already Want!

Stop Making mugs that no one is looking for - Find out what they want

Stop Making mugs that no one is looking for - Find out what they want

Make Mugs That

People Want!

Make Mugs That

People Want!

When you know what people want — you can give it to them!

When you know what people want — you can give it to them!

Why Use

Mug Spy?

Why Use

Mug Spy?

The number one reason merchandise doesn't sell on Amazon is that nobody is searching for it. Mug Spy shows you exactly what Mugs people are shopping for and how popular each keyword is

The number one reason merchandise doesn't sell on Amazon is that nobody is searching for it. Mug Spy shows you exactly what Mugs people are shopping for and how popular each keyword is

Only Make Mugs People Want

Only Make Mugs People Want

Evaluate Your Ideas Before You Even Start

Evaluate Your Ideas Before You Even Start

Discover new, more popular ideas

Discover new, more popular ideas

Actual Amazon Search terms

Actual Amazon Search terms

Plans and Pricing

Plans and Pricing

Pay Yearly and get 2 months for free!

Cancel any time

Pay Yearly and get 2 months for free!

Cancel any time





Amazon Mug related Keyword Search

Amazon Mug related Keyword Search

Unlimited Searches

Unlimited Searches

Cancel Anytime

Cancel Anytime

Includes Mis-spellings

Includes Mis-spellings





Amazon Mug related Keyword Search

Amazon Mug related Keyword Search

Unlimited Searches

Unlimited Searches

Cancel Anytime

Cancel Anytime

Includes Mis-spellings

Includes Mis-spellings

2 Months Membership Free

2 Months Membership Free

Save 21%

Save 21%

Discover the Most SEARCHED FOR MUGS on Amazon 

Discover the Most SEARCHED FOR MUGS on Amazon 

Discover more secondary keywords 

Discover more secondary keywords 

Find popular keywords for your listing

Find popular keywords for your listing

Find out which mugs people are looking to buy on Amazon before you even make one!

Find out which mugs people are looking to buy on Amazon before you even make one!

How to Use

Mug Spy

How to Use

Mug Spy

Enter any keyword(s) and Mug Spy will show you how many times people searched for that keyword or terms like it in the last month.

Enter any keyword(s) and Mug Spy will show you how many times people searched for that keyword or terms like it in the last month.